In the small group portion of Ladies Bible Study on Wednesday, one of the other ladies used the phrase "On my knees in my closet..." I was a little taken aback, because I seriously thought that I was the only person who goes into my closet to pray. One of the other ladies must have been a little surprised also, just in a different way. She asked to clarify if the lady meant literally- her closet, or was it figurative. I learned that apparently it IS a "term" that I didn't realize existed. And after Googling it, I found that there are many people with literal "Prayer Closets". Who knew that I was so normal? Well, maybe I shouldn't go that far....
I love my closet. My closet is located inside my bathroom, so if I am in my closet with the door closed, then there are at least 2 doors between me and the rest of the world. I have no idea if my family realizes what I do in there so much.... maybe they just think I have IBS, or some affliction that it would be embarrassing to mention. I usually start out looking at the clothes and shoes... either trying to figure out what is left that I can still fit into without looking like a reject from a sausage factory... or touching some of my favorites that I am convinced I will wear again. But, even when prayer wasn't my original intent (sometimes it is just a sanctuary where I can't hear the toddler chasing the dogs with the plastic golf clubs) I always wind up on my knees. It is where I am most real. It is where shouldering the burdens of others and trying to lift them up is not neccessary. It is where I don't have to smile and tell people that I am fine after my miscarriage last month. And really -- I am fine. I have such joy in my life, and I am so blessed. But sometimes, I just lay it all down and for a little while it is ok if I am not ok. There are other times that I'm just so overwhelmed with how much HE loves me, and other times that I am praying for other people in my life. Whatever the reason, I am finding that I spend a lot of time "in the closet", and I'm ok with that.
So, I've decided to embrace it! My mission this weekend is to have that specific area designated as my "Prayer Closet". Maybe a rug/pillow to make it a little more comfy, I have a few built-in shelves that will be perfect to hold a candle, my bible, my bible study materials etc. I hope that my home is always a house where God dwells, but I kind of feel like I'm sprucing up a guest room for company. I'm so excited to be making a special place to honor Him. And, maybe I'll let my family in on the secret so they'll quit trying to push the bran products. J/K about the last part.
PS. My unanswerable question for the day: my daugher loves bananas and the baby ravioli.... but if she loves them so much, why does she rub half of it in her hair? And would it be bad to just take her in the back yard and hose her down instead of going through the WHOLE bath-time routine in the middle of the day?
A lady I went to church with back home made the spare room her prayer room. Music, candles, books, floor pillows, pictures. Felt like Holy Ground.